Rising Tide | Music

Rising Tide

Tide: the rise and fall of sea; a change of state, physical or emotional; a period of time.

I ponder on the beauty of the rise and fall of water, our contact with the force of moon, the spin of earth, and pull of sun.

I think of how love can be as endless in its movement dependent on another, of how I feel as creature of the shore, by nature washed between the land and sea.

  • Originator :

    Mike de Sousa

  • Medium :

    Contemporary Classical Music for Solo Violin, Strings, Woodwind, Brass, and Piano.

  • Completed :


  • Status :

    Free to enjoy at Public Art World and 100 Artworks. May not be used for commercial gain. Copyright maintained.

Also available to listen to at 100 Artworks where the art, music, and words are presented together.


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